Terms and Conditions

These General Conditions Registration have been established by Woonmanagement Maastricht B.V. on the 1st of May 2020.

  1. Article 1. Definitions and applicability

    1. In these General Conditions Registration the following terms have the following meaning:
      1. a. “Candidate for Tenancy”: anyone who registers on the Website;
      2. b. “Landlord”: the natural or juridical person who rents out an Accommodation;
      3. c. “Conditions”: these General Conditions Registration established by WMM on the date as indicated above;
      4. d. “Website”: the website www.wmm.nl;
      5. e. “Accommodation”: any self-contained or shared housing accommodation, that is presented in the rental offer on the Website;
      6. f. “WMM”: Woonmanagement Maastricht B.V. located in the Alexander Battalaan 79 A01 in 6221 CC Maastricht.
    2. By registering on the Website the Candidate for Tenancy accepts, that the Conditions apply to the legal relationship between the Candidate for Tenancy and WMM. The Conditions can only be deviated from in writing and with the explicit consent of the Candidate for Tenancy and WMM.
    3. In case any stipulation of the Conditions should be null and void or be voided, this will in no way affect the applicability of the other stipulations.
    4. WMM reserves the right to amend and/or supplement the Conditions. In the event of an amendment or addition to the Conditions, this will be clearly posted on the Website. Maintaining his registration after the Conditions have been amended and/or supplemented, is considered as acceptance of the new Conditions by the Candidate for Tenancy concerned.
  2. Article 2. Prices, payment and obligations Candidate for Tenancy

    1. By registering on the Website the Candidate for Tenancy, does not instruct WMM to mediate in his search for housing accommodation. WMM explicitly does not mediate for the Candidate for Tenancy. Registration on the Website, regardless of the variant, does not guarantee or give a right to find a (suitable) housing accommodation.

    2. Registration on the Website is done, through creation by the Candidate for Tenancy of a personal account on the Website. The Candidate for Tenancy has two options when registering on the Website:

      1. Limited registration:

        Limited registration is only done for the purpose, to make it possible for the Candidate for Tenancy, to receive by e-mail any notifications of updates of the rental offer, presented on the Website. Limited registration is free of charge for the Candidate for Tenancy. The Candidate for Tenancy cannot derive any rights from this registration.

      2. Extended registration:

        The limited registration can be extended, for the purpose of gaining access via the personal account of the Candidate for Tenancy, to the menu on the Website for submitting himself of applications, for the participation of the Candidate for Tenancy concerned, in viewings of Accommodations. To this extension of the registration costs charges apply. In case of an extension of the registration, WMM will charge to the Candidate for Tenancy concerned, the applicable rate for this. The extension of the registration is valid from the date of receipt of payment and expires after the period of one year. The Candidate for Tenancy can then again extend his registration on the same conditions.

    3. The Candidate for Tenancy can manage himself his personal account on the Website. The Candidate for Tenancy can cancel his personal account on the Website in writing or electronically, at all times. In that case there will be no refund of any previous payments made.

    4. After creating a personal account on the Website, the Candidate for Tenancy will receive an e-mail, confirming the creation of the account.

    5. WMM reserves the right to refuse a registration or to cancel a registration, without any statement of reasons. In case of such cancellation, any payments made for the remaining registration period, will be refunded to the Candidate for Tenancy, in proportion to the remaining period of the registration after the date of cancellation.

    6. Payment is also due if the Candidate for Tenancy, does not use the services offered as a result of his registration.

    7. Unless expressly stated otherwise, all prices are quoted in euro and include VAT and other government-imposed levies. WMM does not accept payments in any other currency.

  3. Article 3. Viewings in case of extended registration

    1. Only a Candidate for Tenancy with an extended registration, has access via his personal account, to the menu on the Website for submitting himself applications, for the participation of the Candidate for Tenancy concerned, in planned viewings of Accommodations.

    2. Dates and times of viewings usually have to be planned, in consultation with the inhabitants of the Accommodation concerned. Dates and times for viewings, are therefore scheduled by WMM, on dates and times indicated as available for viewings by the inhabitants concerned.

    3. It is known to the Candidate for Tenancy, that for each viewing there is a maximum number of participants and that in case several Candidates for Tenancy already indicated that they are interested in renting an Accommodation, at least for the time being no application for a viewing of the Accommodation concerned, can be submitted.

    4. Viewings are always entirely free of obligation. Participation of a Candidate for Tenancy in viewings, is at the own risk of the Candidate for Tenancy concerned.

    5. Should a Candidate for Tenancy want to rent an Accommodation, the Candidate for Tenancy concerned, must indicate so within 24-hours after viewing the Accommodation concerned, by clicking in his personal account on the Website, on the ‘I want to rent’ button of the Accommodation concerned. In addition to this WMM may also require Candidates for Tenancy, to confirm their intention to rent the Accommodation concerned, by digitally signing within the given deadline an acceptance of accommodation sent by WMM. The Candidates for Tenancy that have indicated their intention accordingly, will be presented by WMM to the Landlord of the Accommodation concerned. The Landlord takes the final decision on selection of the new tenant.

    6. WMM lays down the agreements made between the selected Candidate for Tenancy and the Landlord in a tenancy agreement, which the Candidate for Tenancy and the Landlord subsequently will receive digitally for signature. WMM is never a party to a tenancy agreement.

  4. Article 4 Tenant service package

    1. In the event that a Candidate for Tenancy and the Landlord come to an agreement for tenancy of an Accommodation, the Candidate for Tenancy concerned against payment, has the possibility to make use of the option, to get access to the service package WMM offers to tenants. This service package tenants, contains services that are mainly or entirely in the interest of tenants. The service package tenants explicitly does not concern, services that should be for the account of the Landlord.

    2. Only after receipt by WMM of payment of the fee due for access to the service package tenants, the Candidate for Tenancy will have access to the service package tenants. Payment of the fee is also due, if the Candidate for Tenancy does not use the services, that are made available by WMM in the service package tenants.

  5. Article 5 Exclusion of liability

    1. The content of the Website has been compiled with the utmost care. Information, announcements and posts on the Website, are subject to possible programming and typing errors. No rights or claims can be derived from content of the Website.

    2. WMM will make reasonable efforts, to ensure that the Website functions as good as possible. However, WMM does not guarantee the faultless and uninterrupted functioning of the Website.

    3. WMM makes an effort that is reasonable to expect from a company in its sector. WMM accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect damage, that is the result of access to the Website (whether or not interrupted) and the use of the Website (whether or not interrupted), except in the case of a demonstrable intent or intentional recklessness of WMM. WMM's liability at all times is limited, to the amount paid to WMM by the Candidate for Tenancy, for the services of WMM that give rise to liability of WMM.

  6. Article 6 Applicable law / competent court

    1. The legal relationship between the Candidate for Tenancy and WMM, is governed exclusively by Dutch law.

    2. Any disputes between the Candidate for Tenancy and WMM, will be settled by the competent civil court in Maastricht.